Equity and Belonging Lead Diversity and Inclusion

When equity and belonging are embedded into the fabric of your culture, then diversity and inclusion will be natural by products of your environment

Our solutions

Collective Regard Impacts Change

  • Supported by leadership, can’t happen by leadership
  • Can be good or bad
    Inclusive facilitation
  • Employee Centered Solutions
  • We believe culture is driven by the collective regard of the workforce, and supported by leadership.

Our solutions

Meet people where they are at

Change is always possible

Our solutions

Root Causes = Root Solutions

We believe true change is only possible when we identify root issues and implement root solutions

Our solutions

Diverse Hiring Practices Transcends Tokenism

Leadership must reflect the workforce throughout all levels of an organizations

Our solutions

We recommend a two-phase
approach to the DEI&B journey:

PHASE 1: DEI&B Facilitation Sessions and Assessments

While discovery about your organization’s culture should be an ongoing journey, Top RANK believes that the first and most important discovery step that an organization should take is to have authentic, facilitated discussion about the current and desired culture of your organization. Through this process we will open up a courageous space for your colleagues to explore their inner perspectives on a deeper level. Self-reflection, real talk, and the willingness to first listen to others who simply want to be heard and understood before they are judged, is a powerful way to influence meaningful cultural change.

Our collaboration may include one or more of the following solutions:

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Facilitation Sessions

★ Diversity-to-Belonging Facilitation

★ Organization Culture Facilitation

★ Bias

★ Neural Leadership

★ Thought Leadership

★ Emotional Intelligence

★ Leading Culture

★ Sexual Harassment and Assault

★ Performance Management

★ Offsite Facilitation

 Diversity Leadership Retreats

 Summit and Conference


 Lunch & Learn

 Culture Workshops


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Assessments

★ Organizational Culture
★ Diversity-to-Belonging
★ Leadership
★ Sexual Harassment and Assault Climate
★ Strategic Source Review
★ DEI&B Culture Survey

 We do not recommend traditional surveys as a first step, and welcome a
discussion on our philosophy.

*We do not recommend this as a first step, and welcome a discussion on our philosophy.

PHASE 2: Training, Coaching & Consultation, Talent Acquisition

Based on the what we learn together during Phase 1, the following are some of the additional

solutions we may recommend:

Training<span data-metadata="">

Former solutions not listed elsewhere in other categories:

★ Employee Lifecycle

★ Executive Alignment Workshops

★ DEI&B Hiring: 101

★ Team Building Initiatives

★ Lunch & Learn Presentations

★ Keynotes

★ Community Meetings

★ Cultural Awareness, “Water Cooler” Skills

Coaching & Consultation<span data-metadata="">

★ Culture Conflict and Crisis

★ Change Management

★ Strategic Workforce Inclusion

★ Executive/Board Coaching

★ Individual and Team Coaching

★ Influencing Diversity to Belonging

★ Workforce Survey Management

★ Diversity Leadership Coaching

★ DEI&B Strategic Plans

★ Employee Resource Group, DEI Council Development

Talent Acquisition<span data-metadata="">

★ Diversity Focused

★ Executive and Professional Roles

★ Contingency or Retainer Partnership Models

★ Recruiting and Retention Plans

★ Talent Development